Online Video Player

Looking for an easy and hassle-free way to share your video projects with colleagues, clients, or friends? Ssemble’s video player feature makes it simple to collaborate and share your video content in a secure and user-friendly online environment. With just a few clicks, you can invite others to view and edit your video projects, providing a seamless and efficient workflow for your team. Plus, you can control the privacy settings of each project, giving you complete control over who has access to your content. Whether you’re working on a marketing video, a training video, or anything in between, Ssemble’s video project sharing feature is the perfect solution for streamlining your video production process. Moreover you can use the video player directly from your web browser, eliminating the need to send large video files through email or messaging services.


How to Use the Video Player

Video Player Tutorial Step 1

Share the video project

Click Share > Copy Link button. Then you can share this link with your collaborators.


Video Player Tutorial Step 2

Watch Video

Your collaborators can immediately watch the video you are currently editing once they enter this page.




Online Video Player

Looking for an easy and hassle-free way to share your video projects with colleagues, clients, or friends? Ssemble’s video player feature makes it simple to collaborate and share your video content in a secure and user-friendly online environment. With just a few clicks, you can invite others to view and edit your video projects, providing a seamless and efficient workflow for your team. Plus, you can control the privacy settings of each project, giving you complete control over who has access to your content. Whether you’re working on a marketing video, a training video, or anything in between, Ssemble’s video project sharing feature is the perfect solution for streamlining your video production process. Moreover you can use the video player directly from your web browser, eliminating the need to send large video files through email or messaging services.


Online Video Player

Looking for an easy and hassle-free way to share your video projects with colleagues, clients, or friends? Ssemble’s video player feature makes it simple to collaborate and share your video content in a secure and user-friendly online environment. With just a few clicks, you can invite others to view and edit your video projects, providing a seamless and efficient workflow for your team. Plus, you can control the privacy settings of each project, giving you complete control over who has access to your content. Whether you’re working on a marketing video, a training video, or anything in between, Ssemble’s video project sharing feature is the perfect solution for streamlining your video production process. Moreover you can use the video player directly from your web browser, eliminating the need to send large video files through email or messaging services.


Online Video Player

Looking for an easy and hassle-free way to share your video projects with colleagues, clients, or friends? Ssemble’s video player feature makes it simple to collaborate and share your video content in a secure and user-friendly online environment. With just a few clicks, you can invite others to view and edit your video projects, providing a seamless and efficient workflow for your team. Plus, you can control the privacy settings of each project, giving you complete control over who has access to your content. Whether you’re working on a marketing video, a training video, or anything in between, Ssemble’s video project sharing feature is the perfect solution for streamlining your video production process. Moreover you can use the video player directly from your web browser, eliminating the need to send large video files through email or messaging services.


Shorten your video creation time

Speed up your video creation process with simple video editor and powerful plugins