Best Alternative to VEED captions feature

Are you looking for a reliable alternative to Veed captions feature? Look no further! In this article, we will introduce you to Ssemble, an exceptional online video editor that provides a seamless experience for adding captions to your videos. With its user-friendly interface, powerful plugins, and outstanding performance, assemble is the perfect solution for all your captioning needs. Let’s dive in and explore the incredible features of Ssemble!

Introduction to Ssemble

Ssemble is a powerful online video editor that offers a wide range of features and plugins to enhance your video editing experience. Whether you’re a professional videographer or a casual content creator, Ssemble provides a seamless and intuitive platform for editing, enhancing, and sharing your videos. One of its standout features is its robust captioning tool, which allows you to add captions and subtitles to your videos effortlessly.

The Importance of Captions in Videos

Adding captions to your videos offers a range of benefits, including:

  1. Improved accessibility: Subtitles make your videos accessible to a wider audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  2. Better understanding: Subtitles help viewers better understand the dialogue in your videos, especially if there are accents or other factors that may make it difficult to understand.
  3. Increased engagement: Subtitles can help keep viewers engaged with your videos, as they can follow along with the dialogue more easily.
  4. Better SEO: Adding subtitles to your videos can improve your SEO, as search engines can crawl the text of your subtitles to understand the content of your video.

How Ssemble Makes Captioning Easy

Ssemble simplifies the process of adding captions to your videos with its intuitive interface and AI plugins. It provides the Auto Subtitle plugin, which allows you to transcribe the video and add the subtitles automatically. And then you can customize the style of the subtitles as you want. Fonts, colors, and other options are changeable as you want.

How to add a captions using Ssemble

Alternative to veed captions Tutorial Step 1

Open the Subtitle menu Click the subtitle menu button. Then, click the “Add Subtitle” button. When the caption entry box appears, type the content of the caption you want to add to the video.

Alternative to veed captions Tutorial Step 2

Design subtitlesClick the Style tab to change the font, color, border, background color, etc. to the style you want.

Alternative to veed captions Tutorial Step 3

Automatically add subtitles If you want to add subtitles automatically, add the Auto Subtitle plugin. And then click the subtitle menu button. Then, click the “Add Subtitle” button. Then it analyzes the speech of the entire video clip and then adds subtitles automatically. You can then modify its styles.


Common Mistakes to Avoid when adding captions to your videos

  1. Not timing your subtitles correctly. If your subtitles appear too early or too late, they can be distracting and difficult to follow.
  2. Using incorrect grammar or spelling in your subtitles. Make sure to review and edit your subtitles for errors.
  3. Using fonts or colors that are difficult to read. Stick to simple, easy-to-read fonts and colors.
  4. Overusing subtitles. Avoid adding too many subtitles, as this can make your video feel cluttered and overwhelming.
  5. Neglecting to preview your video with subtitles before exporting it. Always make sure to review your video with subtitles to ensure everything looks and sounds the way you want it to.


Adding captions to your videos can help make them more accessible and reach a wider audience. With Ssemble’s easy-to-use subtitle feature, you can add subtitles to your videos in no time. Whether you prefer to manually add subtitles or use Ssemble’s speech recognition technology, we’ve got you covered. With a range of customization options and export settings, Ssemble is the ultimate tool for adding subtitles to your videos.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Ssemble today and start adding subtitles to your videos!


Ssemble's speech recognition technology is highly accurate, but it's always a good idea to review and edit your subtitles to ensure they're error-free.

Yes, Ssemble offers a range of customization options to help you make your subtitles stand out. You can customize the font, color, position, background, and size of your subtitles.

Yes, you can upload multiple videos to Ssemble at once by selecting them all at the same time.

Yes, Ssemble offers collaboration features that allow you to invite others to watch or add comments on a project with you.

Yes, Ssemble supports a wide range of languages for adding subtitles to your videos.

I was hesitant to try yet another online video editor besides Adobe Premiere Pro, but Ssemble has proven to be the best one yet. The plugins are amazing and make the editing process so much smoother. Ssemble has become my go-to video editor!


I absolutely love Ssemble! As a freelance video editor, it has helped me increase my productivity tremendously. The plugins are amazing and make editing videos so much easier and faster. Highly recommend it!


Ssemble is a lifesaver! As a small business owner, I don’t have a lot of time to spend on video editing. With Ssemble, I can quickly and easily edit my videos and make them look professional. I love that it allows me to share the project with my coworker. And it's really easy to get feedbacks from them because of the comment feature.


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