Audio Dubbing
Give Ssemble’s AI voice creator plugins a try and effortlessly transform your written text into natural-sounding speech. Our voice profiles are incredibly realistic, imitating real humans. Just choose the language and gender of the voice profile you want, and our software will accurately speak your text with the corresponding accent. You can enjoy accents like British, Japanese, Chinese, and more in just a few clicks, without needing to download extra apps. Additionally, you can easily download your project as an MP3 file. Don’t hesitate to try it out now and make your text come alive with Ssemble’s voice creator!
Perfect for creating movie previews, YouTube videos, live streaming video games, and attention-grabbing social media clips. Our AI voice saves you the trouble of hiring voice actors by handling the text-to-speech conversion for you. Easily obtain your projects as audio files if you only require audio recordings.
How to Generate Voice Over
Add a Voice Creator Plugin
There are many voice creator plugins in Ssemble. You can choose one of them. Microsoft Voice Creator, Elevenlabs Voice Creator, and Clova Voice Creator. Add the plugin either in Plugins page or Plugins menu in the editor.
Add text and convert to voice
Open up the voice creator plugin. Choose the language. And type or paste your text into the text field and click Add to Project. You will see an audio file in the timeline.
When you’re happy with your video with AI Voice Over, click on Export button. Download your video or audio to your device.